Other Stuff
Strong Brain
A mental exercise site originally developed in Java. Currently dormant while effort is devoted to re-implementing it as a
Web & Prolog operation, to be titled Mental Agility.
Strong Brain Blog
A companion to Strong Brain, providing articles culled from the media. Also currently dormant.
Model Theory for Modal Logic, Springer Netherlands, 1978
Speaking Pascal, Hayden, 1981
Prolog and Expert Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1991
A novel (near completion) and several short stories in progress
In the Physical World
I volunteer weekly at More Than Words, a pair of bookstores providing paths forward for young people who have come from difficult situations.
I took up classes in modern dance (Modern 55+) in the fall of 2023 for the first time in my life. My body still tells me all about it. I've extended that to Folk Dance, Waltzing and Swing.
I'm in the process of recovering decades-old lost piano skills on an electronic keyboard. I can sort of play the Hanel/Halvorsen Passacaglia, inspried by Gamazda's rendition.
I like walking in the city and hiking with friends in places in the Boston region like The Fells, Blue Hills, Worlds End, Walden Pond, and Fresh Pond.
I made a trip to Vienna at the end of summer 2024 and hope to travel to Germany, France and Japan next year.
I am a big fan of the pianists Gamazda and Jarrett.
Cool Stuff